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2 min

Mindfulness and Sensory Activities for Kids

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Aside from being another buzzword, mindfulness is a powerful tool for building a stronger mind-body connection, relieving feelings of stress, anxiety, and frustration, and improving overall emotional wellbeing. Mindfulness is the act of intentionally focusing on the present moment. It’s an exercise and a practice that forces us to be aware of our physical state and surroundings, as well as in-tune with our body and emotions. Clearing our minds of intrusive thoughts, worries, and to-do lists, focusing on only our senses, and learning to manage and prioritize emotions takes intentional effort. Just like anything, mindfulness gets easier with practice, and the more we do it the more ingrained and natural it becomes.

No one said mindfulness can’t be fun though! Here are some interactive activities that let the whole family practice mindfulness together.

Mindfulness Scavenger Hunt

Practice using all your senses to complete this mindfulness scavenger hunt. Turn it into a competition, or work together as a family to complete the board.

Make Your Own Mindful Pet

Hone in on your super senses, and create your own mindful creature. How do their features help them practice mindfulness? Then, place your creature in a spot where you love to be mindful.

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