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Get the Conversation Going

by Emily Devlin, MSW, LICSW

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Many kids have a hard time putting their thoughts and feelings, especially the big ones, into words. Other kids have a tough time asking for help, or might feel uncomfortable talking about their emotions. Adults can help take the pressure off, and help kids find a way to express themselves in an open, playful way with conversation cards.

What are conversation cards?

Conversation cards are a playful way for children to practice sharing things about themselves and expressing their thoughts and feelings. These cards provide open-ended sentence starters that encourage conversation – supporting the child’s social and emotional development.

How to use conversation cards

Cut out and shuffle the cards, then try the ideas below:

1. Make it a game. Turn the deck of conversation starter cards over. Each time it is someone’s turn, that player picks up a conversation card and reads it to another player to complete the sentence. Take turns asking questions back and forth between players.

2. Card of the day. Have the child pick a card from the deck daily. Encourage them to complete the sentence and to ask others (friends, family members, and others) to complete the prompt as well. Reflect on what the child has learned about others and themselves.

3. Let kids lead. Some kids have a fun time taking the lead and asking other people to answer the questions on the conversation cards. This is great as well, and leaves lots of space for playful back and forth conversations.

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